This page includes tips, tools, quizzes, and exercises to strengthen your relationships.
Levels of Communication 1-5
By Dr. Robert Carkhuff
Courtesy of Energy for Life, Ruth Sharon
Be aware of your level 1-5, of speaking and listening, so you can enhance and enrich your communication. The goal of this tool is connecting and having empathy with another human being.
Set up practice times to learn this new tool. Bring up a topic of interest but not of heavy conflict at first to practice. Give each other feedback so you are both learning together! Educate each other if what you are saying and needing — don’t shame the other for not understanding. Praise the effort and attempts! Grow closer with empathy and compassion.
Feel free to call us to consult: 303-796-7004.
Notice when you are at a 1 or 2
Stop, exhale
Experiment with #3: matching your partner
Share your intention to listen more fully
Ask if you are accurate or missed something
1= voices are spoken but there is no connection.
For example, you say “Did you get the mail?” And the other person says “what’s for dinner?” This is a habitual rut you can fall into. Be aware and mindful .
2= you are on the same subject with each other, which is helpful for logistics but not for listening to the other’s real message, including feelings and needs.
You may be trying to fix the situation and get it done, but you may come off as dismissive, minimizing, discounting, and triggered into power struggles or quarrels.
3= the speaker and listener are on the same subject and you match the feeling or intention of the other. A real connection is happening. Ahh, you may be feeling good, safe, and cared for; being heard and experienced is comforting and affirming.
This is the start of communicating!
4=once you are flowing and getting each other, then you have an opening to add something of value . Many people try to give feedback or fixes when at a 2–this doesn’t work. Get to a 3, then respectfully and clearly give your gift! Watch the shift in closeness and support!
5= you are connecting so deeply and clearly that a breakthrough can occur! The old paradigm or rules don’t apply anymore and you experience things in new ways, which is perhaps terrifying and exciting at the same time. Transforming from how you were programmed into who you are! A rare high!
Codependency Assessment
Download and print this assessment to find out if you are stuck in restrictive patterns of thinking and behavior that result in codependency.
Soulful Partner Survey
Download and print this short survey to see how you and your partner treat each other.
Conflict Resolution Style
Download and print this short quiz to see your conflict resolution style.